

大家好。 我們是倫敦碼頭民宿的John&Cici,也是倫敦打工度假小窩的主人。我們在倫敦生活學習以及工作已經5年之久了,也經營了3年的民宿,對于倫敦的一切再熟悉也不過了。

  • 怎樣在倫敦選擇合適的學校。
  • 倫敦哪個區域安全,方便,適於居住,而且價錢合理。
  • 倫敦著名以及值得觀光的景點。
  • 在哪已經如何在倫敦開戶。 
  • 如何使用倫敦的交通系統。 
起初John在東倫敦2區的Mile End居中,為了節省房費,他曾經和一位室友何用一間twins臥室, 後來他搬到 Greenwich (2區,東南2區), 他也住過West Hampstead (倫敦西北2區),現在John與他的妻子Cici住在倫敦東區的Limehouse。 John是個環保顧問,平時的也帶著環保的氣息,他不但騎腳踏車上下班,也喜歡騎著他的腳踏車在倫敦無數的公園休閒健身。

Cici在倫敦的生活,已經有七年之久,她起初住在 Shooting Hill(倫敦東南3區),靠近Blackheath公園。 後來她搬到Woolwich Arsenal, (倫敦東南4區)  和一個家庭居住。 因為要去倫敦郊外的大學,她又搬到了Woking居住。 畢業以後Cici又回到了倫敦工作生活。 她也搬到了MileEnd,John 就是在那裡遇見的Cici。 

Whether you have just moved to London or have been hopping around, we would love to hear from you.  If you need a place to stay in London, we would be happy to show you our  倫敦打工度假小窩, or recommend something else more suitable.  

Cheers and see you soon!



We are John&Cici, the owners of 倫敦打工度假小窩!  We have been studying, living and working in London for 5 years, and we have plenty of experience on everything London!

We can help you with a range of questions, such as:
  • How do I find the right schools in London?
  • What areas are affordable, safe and convenient to live in London?
  • What are the best places to visit in London?  
  • Where and how do I get a bank account in London?
  • How does the London transportation system work?  
John started London life in Mile End, zone 2 east London, where he shared a room to save money and make friends.  He then moved to Greenwich (zone 2 south east London), West Hampstead (zone 2 north west London) and now lives in the Limehouse (zone 2 east London) with wife Cici.  John works as a environmental analyst and loves exploring London's numerous parks on his road bike.  

Cici's London life began 7 years ago in Shooting Hill, (zone 3 south east London), where she lived close to the beautiful Blackheath parks.  She then moved to Woolwich Arsenal, (zone 4 south London), where she home stayed with a family.  She then moved outside London to attend university, staying in the commuter town of Woking.  After graduation, Cici came back to London to work, where she moved to Mile End, met John, and the rest is history : ).

Whether you have just moved to London or have been hopping around, we would love to hear from you.  If you need a place to stay in London, we would be happy to show you our  倫敦打工度假小窩, or recommend something else more suitable.  

Cheers and see you soon!


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